Youth Announcements

Young Men Upcoming Events

Young Women Upcoming Events

Mission Prep:

It is a brand new Mission Prep year beginning AUGUST 8 at 4 PM. Our first class will be taught by our Missionary Zone Leaders at the Gold Dust Building in the High Council room. The following classes will be taught at:

Cave Creek Building – (not sure which room yet)

Gold Dust Building – High Council room

Please choose which location is most convenient for you. We do not have class on Fast Sunday or General/Stake conference Sundays. We will notify you of any other days. Mission Prep class is a great way to prepare our daughters and sons to be better prepared to enter the mission field or serve in other church callings. We encourage all of our youth age 16+ to join with us. Parents and visitors are also welcome.

Soccer with the Missionaries:

The missionaries serving in our stake are putting on a soccer/volleyball night every Friday at 7 at Thunderbird Park! All the youth are invited to come have fun together and invite their friends!

Primary Announcements

none at this time